Wednesday, February 01, 2006


UPDATE (1133): Israeli policewoman hurt seriously

UPDATE (1119): Radio coverage LIVE from Amona. (KIC takes no responsibility for opinions or content provided in that coverage)

It's not looking like Disengagement at all. The extent of confrontation and violence at Amona in Samaria (today being shut down by the Israeli government) seems to already be spiraling well beyond the Gush Katif experience. In respect of internal Israeli unity, Disengagement #1 was difficult enough. Now, we see a determination by protestors that is further increased and was expected to be so when it came to the West Bank areas, much of which is holy land as far the Jewish people are concerned.

MKs wounded (including broken bones) and dozens of other injuries to protesters and forces. Rocks, batons, oil, horses... once again, today is a tough day for most Israelis, regardless of political opinion.

Get reading those English Israel news sites - all of them. Haaretz, Arutz-7, Ynet, Jpost...
(You'll see the media playing to its perceived audience). How is the media in your country covering this confrontation?

How do you see it? A blatant campaign move by Olmert or the upholding of the Rule of Law in a democratic society?
Let us know - leave a KICcomment.

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