Monday, December 19, 2005

If I Have Said It Once...

Well, if I've said it once, I've said it a million times. (I've posted it several times here recently)... Three months is a very very very long time in Israeli politics. Ask those Labor and Likud MKs who fled their parties to jump on the Sharon party boat. For some time now, commentators have been talking about what would happen to Kadima if King Arik was unable to compete in the next election. And here we are. Figures like Mofaz, Peres and Ramon (just to name a few!) sweating on the unknown results of Sharon's MRI after his sudden health scare tonight.

The road to Elections 2006 could not get any longer, could it? With Sharon hospitalized (even for a minor stroke), Gazan rockets now within a stone's throw of Ashkelon's vital industrial zone and countless attempted and successful terror attacks, you should set your watches to Israel time and get ready for a most uncomfortable but fascinating ride through modern Jewish history.

If you're feeling lost already, consider joining this brand new online Israel Elections 2006 course hosted by the eAcademy of the Jewish Agency for Israel. We all need the best preparation we can get!

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