Start by reading this article and you might come away with a cautious smile. Maybe things are changing and the media are about to start adopting accuracy and morality as a basis for their reporting.
But then, take a look at this gross misrepresentation from the same website that so proudly reported the change in editorial policy at the BBC. This bias and misleading article is one of the worst I have read in some time and not only reflects Reuters but to a larger extent, illustrates the NZ media's continued frenzied demonization of Israel.
I am all in favor of free speech and criticism of Israel policy when it is due or fair. Misleading and inciteful articles on the other hand do nothing for peace or reconciliation.
I encourage you to write to the popular NZ news website that published the article and which appears to provide an anti-Israel version of the Reuters original (which was not so great itself!) and deserves some response.
If you want some guidance, here is a segment of what I wrote to Stuff.
The return to such IDF actions was not taken lightly and was in direct response to the Islamic Jihad's continued attempted and successful attacks on Israeli civilians through bombings, shootings and rocket fire.
Just a few days ago, an Israeli man was murdered in a drive-by shooting by this group as was an Israeli soldier. In addition, Hamas, while they have not succeeded or decided to carry out bombings at this time, have continued to fire rockets and missiles at Israeli settlements and at towns in Israel proper. Your inaccurate and inciteful article presents none of this perspective.
The'calm' is only relative to the massive terror campaigns of the recent past and Israel has an obligation to defend itself against the resurfacing of such attacks. Your placing of " " around the word terrorist is clearly representative of your organization's loss of moral bearing.
Are you bringing a group to Israel this year? Order a KIC series of Israel Advocacy Training...
Thursday, June 23, 2005
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