Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Jerusalem Seminar Series: Israeli Political System

With the labor pains (no pun intended!) of Israeli elections upon us, those in Israel might be interested to attend a FREE seminar series on the Israeli Political System. First of four seminars began last night (Tuesday) at 730pm.

(UPDATE: If you missed it last night, contact Reuven for details of the other 3 sessions in the series).

Last night, Reuven Grossman discussed "Legislative & Executive: Knesset, Prime Minister, Multi-Party System".
The series is held in English and takes place at YAKAR - 10 Halamed Hei, Katamon, Jerusalem. For details - 0525790958

(Make sure to let them know that we KICed you in their direction - and while you're at it, why not add a link to the KICblog from your own blog or website - thanks!)


Christian Prophet said...

I am led to believe that peace between Israel and Palestine will be assured very soon. Prayers are being answered.

ifyouwillit... said...

How was the seminar?