Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sharon About To Retire?

In the past, they have correctly predicted some diplomatic and miltary moves, terror attacks and the like. Now here is DEBKAfile coming out with what they say is the results of their exclusive Debka research - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is destined, at any moment, to announce his retirement.

That's right folks. The man who this morning read his newspaper with reserved joy, might well be about to shock us all, once and for all.

I raised this Likud soap opera in my KIC session for Otzma this morning. Is there anywhere else in the world, where a Prime Minister, so popular nationwide, would be removed from his leadership by his own ruling party? While the majority of the Likud may be angry at his apparent exit from mainstream Likud policy and ideology, it is difficult to fathom their willingness to give up the Cabinet table at such an immense period in Israeli history. (Has there ever been a non-immense period in our history?!!)

Sharon is under pressure from Likud MKs to openly pledge his loyalty to the Likud under all circumstances - even in the case that he should lose the family battle to Bibi, Uzi or whoever. He has refused to commit and this I imagine is likely to push potential supporters away.

In light of all this, maybe DEBKAfile is taking things to a logical conclusion. It might well be that old man Sharon does not want to finish as a loser nor as someone who abandoned and then ruined his own political home. Contrary to his stated convictions at the UN and in meetings thereafter, Arik might well be content with the friendly handshakes of the world and may be eyeing a rural retirement, comfortable in the knowledge that he did as much as anyone else to separate Israel from its enemies and to rebuild the long road to peace.

Maybe. It's possible.

Still, numbers mean something and there is quite a gap nationwide between a new Sharon-led party and anyone else. He might not be hungry for family squabbles but he must be licking his lips at the prospects of building a new winning Israeli political powerhouse.

Returning home to the ranch? Watch this space!


Ittay said...

If Sharon retires it will be a real shame. (I can’t believe I just wrote that. I was so sad when he won the last election, anyway…) . I think Sharon should just start his own party, or join Avodah. If Bibi wants to make Likud irrelevant, by preventing Likud from ever engaging with the Palestinians and thus keeping both sides in perpetual war, let him do so, but Ariel Sharon is a fool if he lets him get away with this.

Omni said...

Thank you for making this info available to the blogging community!!

Michael Lawrence said...

Hi ittay - I don't think the issue is "engaging with the Palestinians". Bibi would be happy to (as would everyone) if there was a sense of reciprocity. Wouldn't you agree that has to exist?!!
As for Sharon "letting him get away with it", it is in fact the Palestinians who will probably lead Bibi to Likud victory.

Michael Lawrence said...

Omni - thanks for reading the KICblog. Please make the info on the KIcblog available to others by providing a lin kfrom your blog to here.
