Saturday, June 10, 2006


After some months away from the KICscreen, I am back KICing online and for groups in Israel. I want to thank my colleague Ashley Perry for his insightful and thought-provoking KICcontributions over the last several months. He's kept things more than ticking over and helped those who rely on their daily KIC for Israeli news and opinion and for advice on facing Israel advocacy challenges.

Now that the long days and night of legal studies for the Israeli bar are over, I am looking forward to renewed Israeli news and Advocacy discussion here at the KICblog and to being a part of your educational Israel experience while your group explores this land.

I want to take this opportunity to welcome the newest KICmembers - a group of Scandinavian Bnei Akiva year program participants to whom I guided through Israel Advocacy issues and a leadership discussion 2 weeks ago. With the KICdiary filling up fast, I am looking forward to getting back to sharing my views and current affairs interest with others again.

Things are forever changing in Israel so don't forget to pass over buying the monring's paper because things do change sooo fast here that the print versions are quite literally yesterday's news by the time day breaks.

We'll try to keep it current for you and we welcome your comments on Israel today, the Jewish World and beyond.


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