Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Voting Now - Blog Awards

Voting stations are open for the Jewish and Israeli Blog Awards 2005. This KICblog has been nominated in two categories. (Sounds like the Oscars doesn't it?!!)

Put a KIC into our campaign in the Best Israel Advocacy Blog category and the Best Politics and Current Affairs Blog category or vote for others if you're that way inclined. Make sure to read the voting rules before jumping in to the fray.

If you're feeling extremely generous, send this post through to your fmaily and friends so they can get a KIC out of this blog as well and maybe they'll feel inclined to vote for us too.
Enjoy and thanks...


J said...

Michael, was wondering if you wanted to join/post on the ibloga?

let me know if you're interested

Michael Lawrence said...

Yes - how do we go about doing that? email me at