Thursday, April 13, 2006


Like the rest of Israel, the KICteam is taking a break for the week of Pesach. Israelis are out at the beaches and the national parks and frankly we all deserve to KIC back and relax just a little.

With coalition negotiations and battles between diplomatic and social policies in full swing, the IDF fighting off Gazan rocket fire, re-entering disengaged Gaza for the first time and Iran raising the stakes daily, there will be plenty for us to KIC you with come post-Pesach.

As well as Ashley-inspired analysis, Michael will be back at the end of April after months of law study. In addition, the KICteam will be back running sessions across Israel and have already received several invitations for the coming months. And if you want a bit of punch in your KIC, watch out for new online and session initiatives from the KICcrew which are due to be launched shortly.

We thank you for reading and look forward to your comments in the future. If you haven't subscribed to the KICblog you can do so at the top of this page. We would also welcome your placing of a KIClink on your blog or webpage.

Chag Pesach Kasher vSameach!